No, you have to use both.
Intuitive, physical reason: the charges on the plate are attracted to the real charge, but they tend to exert a force on each other, causing them to repel a little bit.
Mathematical reason:
For a given open set $U$ in which you want to determine the electric potential $V$, and given boundary condition on $\partial U$ (in our case $V$ on the plate and to infinity), the solution to the Poisson equation inside $U$:
$$\nabla ^2 V \left(\vec{x}\right)= -\frac{1}{\epsilon_0}\rho \left(\vec{x}\right)$$
is unique.
Notice that $\rho$ is given in $U$, and isn't necessarily known on the boundary. After all, there must be charges somewhere outside $U$ to produce the given boundary condition.
(In the case of the plate problem, you are assuming that the charge is on the boundary itself since it can't be inside the conductor since $\vec{E} =0$ inside it).
Now, once you find a solution to the Poisson problem, you have the correct $V$, no matter how you found it.
The method of images simply helps you find the solution to this problem in an intutive way.
Once you have $V$, you can then use it to find the electric field $\vec{E}$ (take the gradient) and then relate the latter to the superficial density charge $\sigma$ on the plate itself by using:
$$\vec{E} = \frac{\sigma}{\epsilon_0} \hat{n}$$.
Since the correct $V$ is the superposition of the potential of both the real and image charge, you have to use that.
The physics doesn't care if you used the method of images to find the potential or another trick up your sleeve. The only important thing is that the $V$ is the correct solution to the Poisson problem given the right boundary conditions (which is unique!).