In quantum optics, the single-mode squeezed vacuum is the state $$\hat S(z)|0\rangle=\exp\left(\frac{1}{2}\left(z^*\hat a_{\mathbf k}^2-z\hat a_{\mathbf k}^{\dagger 2}\right)\right)|0\rangle$$ where $z=re^{i\theta}$ is a complex number, $\hat a_{\mathbf k}$ is the annihilation operator of the mode $\mathbf{k}$, and $|0\rangle$ denotes the vacuum state.
My questions are:
- In current state-of-the-art experiments, what is the largest value that can be achieved for $r$?
- What is the wavevector $|\mathbf k|$ (or equivelantly the wavelength $\lambda=2\pi/|\mathbf k|$) of the light used in these experiments?
- What is the typical linewidth $\Delta \lambda$? (After all, no light source is truly monochromatic.)
Please provide a reference if possible.