Consider a system of interacting electrons. Using the path integral formalism, we introduce the Hubbard Stratonovich transformation to decouple the interaction in the density channel. Then, we integrate out the fermionic degrees of freedom and extremize the action. The new effective action involves a term of the form $$ \ln\left(-\hat G^{-1}\right) + \ln\left(1 - i\hat G\hat\phi\right)\,, $$ where $\hat G$ is the diagonal bare propagator for the electrons and $\hat\phi$ is the auxiliary field. The first term just gives the partition function for the non-interacting system. The trace of the second term can be expanded as $$ \mathrm{tr} \sum_n \frac{\left(-i\hat G\hat\phi\right)^n}{n}\,. $$ The first term is $$ \mathrm{tr}\left(\hat G\hat\phi\right) = \phi_0\sum_n G_n\,, $$ where $G_n$ is the diagonal element of the propagator matrix.
The second term is $$ \sum_q \phi_q \phi_{-q}\left(\sum_p G_p G_{p+q}\right)\,. $$ The stuff inside the parentheses is the RPA polarization bubble. So far so good.
The third term becomes $$ \sum_{kp}\phi_k\phi_p\phi_{-k-p}\left(\sum_qG_qG_{k+q}G_{q-p}\right)\,. $$ This is a triangular loop diagram. Intuitively, it seems that it should cancel. Odd powers just seem, well, odd. In fact, consulting Altland and Simons book (second edition, after Eq.(6.6)), it does say that the odd powers cancel by symmetry. However, I don't see it. Am I missing something obvious?
Thank you