When you open a door, you apply a torque to the door. The more the torque, the faster it opens up. The measure of this torque is given by $$ \large\tau= R\times F $$ Where $\tau$ is the torque and $F$ is the force you apply and $R$ is where you apply it relative to the hinge of the door. The $\times$ symbolizes cross product which tells us it also depends on the angle between R anf F.
We can write it as $|\large\tau |= |R|.|F|\sin \theta$. The more angle between where you apply the force and the force, the more the torque. Since maximum value of sine is 1 at $\theta = 90^0$, we conclude maximum torque is when we are applying force to the door at $90^0$ to the surface.
Also note that if you apply the same force nearer to the edge (R goes down) torque will go down and it gets harder to push the door. And it is theoretically impossible to push the door if we apply force directly at the hinge.(R=0)