I am a computational chemist who is moving into, what I understand is, condensed matter physics. I have started reading Blaizot and Ripka "Quantum Theory of Finite Systems" and I am having trouble with their problems.
They define two particles which I believe are called Majorana Fermions. If there are n fermion creation and annihilation operators $a^{\dagger}_{j}$ and $a_{j}$ then the Majorana Fermions are $\gamma_{j} = a_{j} + a^{\dagger}_{j}$ and $\gamma_{n+j} = (a_{j} - a^{\dagger}_{j})/i$.
They ask to show that the product of these operators $\gamma_{o} = \Pi_{j=1}^{2n}\gamma_{j} = \exp[i\pi\hat{N}]$ where $\hat{N} = \sum_{j}a^{\dagger}_{j}a_{j}$.
If we assume that there is a single fermion, n=1, I'm already troubled by the relationship since $\gamma_{2}$ is imaginary but $\exp[i \pi N]$ will alternate between -1 and 1 depending on the number of fermions. If we have a single fermion $\gamma_{1} \gamma_{2}$ is imaginary even though $\exp[i \pi]$ is real.
When I multiply out the expression I get $\gamma_{1} \gamma_{2} = i(1 - 2a^{\dagger}_{1}a_{1})$.
Thank you for any information on this or any recommendations other than Blaizot and Ripka that might help me figure this out.