You said
But we are not really releasing the energy originally acquired from the sun back into the universe.
Why not? Earth has a non-zero temperature and thus it is radiating like a black body releasing energy outside. We can even try to evaluate the Earth temperature by requiring such a balance between receieved and radiated energy. Every black body radiates a power per unit area given by Stefan-Boltzmann law
$$j=\sigma T^4$$
where $\sigma$ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant. Lets denote by $R_{\rm sun}$ the sun's radius, by $R_{\rm Earth}$ the Earth radius and by $L_{\rm sun}$ the distance between Earth and sun. It is straight forward to see that the power that arrives the Earth surface is
$$P_{\rm in\:Earth}=\pi R_{\rm Earth}^{2}\frac{4\pi R_{\rm sun}^2}{4\pi L_{\rm sun}^2}\sigma T_{\rm sun}^4=\pi R_{\rm Earth}^{2}\frac{R_{\rm sun}^2}{L_{\rm sun}^2}\sigma T_{\rm sun}^4$$
This power should be balanced by the power emitted by Earth
$$P_{\rm out\:Earth}=4\pi R_{\rm Earth}^2\sigma T_{\rm Earth}^4$$
Comparing those expressions we obtain
$$T_{\rm Earth}=\sqrt{\frac{R_{\rm sun}}{2L_{\rm sun}}}T_{\rm sun}\approx 280^\circ{\rm K}\approx 7^\circ{\rm C}$$
which is not too far from the average temperature of Earth which from the internet is around $14^\circ{\rm C}$. This implies that we are not far from equilibrium with the Earth environment.