I argue with my friend and cannot say that he is wrong although I feel it somehow. But I don't have good arguments against him. I want to know who is right and why.
The problem is
Let's imagine we have a car and we put fuel in equivalent of A joules of energy.
We drive this car until the fuel is over and drive until the car stops (of we put on brakes and stop it).
So my friend says that all (100%) this A joles of energy will be converted into thermal power (temperature energy, heat energy) either when engine works or when we gain some kinetic energy and after we're trying to stop all kinetic energy converts to heat energy. He says because of conservation of energy theorem and because of type of energy eventually in this case converted to heat (when you run engine, when you try to use stop force etc).
So his assumption: 100% of our fuel energy equivalent will be eventually one way or another converted into thermal energy.
I guess this not correct, I feel there is some work / activity is done and not all fuel energy converted into heat through this driving process.
Am I correct or all energy of fuel converts to heat energy. And why? Please explain, thanks.