In Debye Solid model thermal capacity with constant numer of particles $N$ (canonical ensemble) is $$C_{N}=\frac{9Nk_B}{(\beta \hbar \omega_D)^3 }\int_{0}^{T_D/T} dx \frac{x^4 e^x}{(e^x-1)^2}\tag{1}$$
Where $k_B$ is Boltzmann constant, $\omega_D$ is Debye frequency, $T_D=\hbar \omega_D/k_B$ is Debye temperature and $\beta=1/k_BT$.
For $T\to 0$ $(1)$ states that $C_N \sim T^3$ and I'm ok with that.
But how can one show that, if $T \to \infty$ (classical limit), then $C_N \to 3k_B N$, as stated in the classical energy equipartition theorem?