I'm a little confused by the following computation from Baez and Muniain's Gauge Fields, Knots, & Gravity.
Let $M = [0,1]\times S$ where $S$ is any compact oriented manifold. Let $E \overset{\pi}{\to} M$ be a trivial vector bundle over $M$ with connection $A$ in ``temporal gauge", i.e if $t$ is the coordinate corresponding to $[0,1] \subseteq M$, then $A(\frac{\partial}{\partial t}) = 0$. We resolve the exterior derivative as $d = dt\wedge\partial_t + d_S$.
Why is $$2\int_M\text{tr}(dt\wedge\partial_tA\wedge d_sA + dt\wedge\partial_t A\wedge A \wedge A) = \int_M\text{tr}\Big(dt\wedge\partial_t(A\wedge d_sA + \frac{2}{3}A\wedge A\wedge A)\Big)~?$$
It is only the first part of the RHS that I don't understand. i.e. I belive the the correspondence $$2\int_M\text{tr}(dt\wedge\partial_tA\wedge d_sA) = \int_M\text{tr}\big(dt\wedge\partial_t(A\wedge d_sA)\big)$$ is off by a factor of two on the RHS.