The following is Hamiltonian of Heisenberg spin half chain mapped onto Hard core bosons by Holestein-Primakoff transformation.
$$ H = t\sum_{j}b_{j}^{\dagger}b_{j}+h.c + V\sum_{j}n_{j}n_{j+1}+\sum_{j}h_{j}n_{j}$$
$b^{\dagger},b$ and $n$ represent bosonic creation, annihilation and density operator. $h_{j}$ is random onsite magnetic field.Note that j varies from 1 to N which represents the number of sites in a chain.
I have some questions regarding this model:
- On what kind of states does this Hamiltonian can operate? For instance,for single site the only valid states are |1⟩ and |0⟩ which represent spin up and spin down states. What are the valid states for N sites? Is it possible to have |2⟩,|3⟩,....,|N⟩ states or Is it N spin up and N spin down states?
- How can I find the expectation value of this Hamiltonian numerically? The operators obey following relationships with spin operators but I couldn't come up with any way of using them to calculate expectation value of Hamiltonian. $$ S_{j}^{\dagger}= b_{j}^{\dagger}\sqrt{1-n_{j}}\notag\\[1em] S_{j}= b_{j}\sqrt{1-n_{j}}\notag\\[1em] S_{j}^{z}= n_{j} + 1/2 $$
Thank you.