I have come to suspect that the treatment of virtual work in configuration space using Lagrange multipliers given here "Theoretical Physics, by Georg Joos & Ira M. Freeman, pg 114" is not correct. He begins with the expression
$$\sum_i F_i\delta x_i=0 \tag{17'}$$
for a system of $N$ particles in static equilibrium. Introduces $l$ equations of condition
which reduces the number of independent $\delta x_i$ by $l$.
"Differentiation" of the equations of condition produces
$$\frac{\partial f_k}{\partial x_1}\delta x_1 + \frac{\partial f_k}{\partial x_2}\delta x_2 + ... + \frac{\partial f_k}{\partial x_{3N}}\delta x_{3N} = 0.\tag{18}$$
These $l$ null expressions are then multiplied by corresponding $\lambda_k$ which are provisionally undetermined constants, then added to the original equation of static equilibrium. The resulting summation is then rearranged to produce
$$\sum_i \left( F_i + \lambda_1 \frac{\partial f_1}{\partial x_i} + \lambda_2 \frac{\partial f_2}{\partial x_i} + ... +\lambda_l \frac{\partial f_l}{\partial x_i} \right)\delta x_i= 0.\tag{19}$$
I can make sense of all of the above. But then he adjusts the $\lambda_k$ so that the last $l$ terms in the last summation vanish. He then asserts that the $\delta x_i$ multiplying the remaining $3N-l$ terms are independent.
A cursory reading might lead one to accept that claim, but it appears to me that some or all of the $f_k$ might be constant for $x_i|i=3N-l,...,3N$. The values of the corresponding $\lambda_k$'s would thereby be completely arbitrary. Furthermore, I don't see how removing the last $l$ of the $\delta x_i$ from consideration renders the remaining $\delta x_i$ mutually independent.
Is Joos & Freeman's presentation valid?