I'm trying to determine whether or not the electric field strength $|\vec{\mathcal{E}}|$ is constant everywhere on an equipotential surface. I know an equipotential surface is defined as $$ S = \{\mathbf{x}\in\Bbb{R}^3\text{ s.t. } V_{\mathbf{x}} = c\} $$ where $V_{\mathbf{x}}$ is the electric potential at $\mathbf{x}$ and $c$ is some constant.
At first it seemed incredibly intuitive, but upon trying to prove it I keep going in circles. It seems true for simple cases such as a single charge (in which the equipotential surfaces are circles surrounding the charge) and parallel plates (in which the equipotential surfaces are parallel lines). I'm not sure about other cases though.
Any help is appreciated! :)