This type is problem is best analyzed using Lagrangian mechanics, since the effect of the rotating pendulum can be absorbed easily using rotating coordinates. The solution boils down to fixed point analysis.
First start with
z=\ell(1-\cos\theta)\, ,\qquad y=\ell\sin\theta\cos(\omega t)\, ,\qquad
x=\ell\sin\theta \sin(\omega t)\, .
With the kinetic energy $T=\frac{1}{2}m(\dot{x}^2+\dot{y}^2+\dot{z}^2)$ and the potential $V=mgz$ we get, after obvious manipulations:
with a constant term ignored. Although the coordinates depend explicitly on time, the Lagrangian itself does not, so the resulting Hamiltonian will be conserved. However, this is not a natural system so the Hamiltonian will not be the total energy of the system, but just some constant without any obvious physical interpretation.
The exact equation of motion is thus found to be
m\ell\ddot{\theta}= m\omega^2\ell^2\sin\theta\cos\theta-mg\ell\sin\theta\, .\tag{1}
Using the momentum
p=\frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{\theta}}-m\ell^2\dot{\theta}\qquad
\Rightarrow \qquad \dot{\theta}=\frac{p}{m\ell^2}\, ,
we find the Hamiltonian
H=\dot{\theta}p-L= \frac{p^2}{m\ell^2}-\frac{1}{2}m\omega^2\ell^2\sin^2\theta+mg\ell(1-\cos\theta)\, .
The fixed points of the system are given by
\left(\frac{\partial H}{\partial p},\frac{\partial H}{\partial\theta}
which immediately implies $p=0$. With this, we can investigate
\frac{\partial H}{\partial\theta}\vert_{p=0}= mg\ell\sin\theta
\left(1-\frac{\omega^2}{g/\ell}\cos\theta\right)=0\, .
If $g/\ell > \omega^2$, then only $\theta=0,\pi$ are solutions. If, on the other hand, $g/\ell < \omega^2$ there is an additional solution given by $\cos\theta= \frac{g/\ell}{\omega^2}$. Thus there exists a critical
frequency $\omega_c$ defined by $g/\ell=\omega_c^2$ above which there is a simple bifurcation with two new fixed points developing.
- Near the fixed point $(p,\theta)=(0,0)$ we have $\theta=\epsilon \Delta \theta$, $\dot{\theta}=\epsilon \Delta \dot{\theta}$ so, inserting this into the exact equation of motion (1), expanding in powers of $\epsilon$ and keeping only terms of order ${\cal O}(\epsilon)$ gives the linearized
equation of motion
\epsilon\ell\Delta\ddot{\theta}=\epsilon\frac{g}{\ell}\left(\frac{\omega^2}{g/\ell}-1\right)\, .
If $\omega<\omega_c$, then $\frac{\omega^2}{g/\ell}-1$ is negative and we recover the EOM of a simple harmonic oscillator. The origin is then a stable fixed point If $\omega>\omega_c$ then the sign of $\frac{\omega^2}{g/\ell}-1$ is positive and the solutions are in terms of hyperbolic functions: the fixed point is unstable.
- One easily shows by expanding about $(p,\theta)=(0,\pi)$ that this is always an unstable fixed point.
- Lastly, near $(p,\theta)=(0,\arccos(\frac{g/\ell}{\omega^2}))$. This can only occur when $\omega>\omega_c$. We must now expand the exact EOM of Eq.(1) using
$\theta = \theta_0 +\epsilon\Delta \theta$ with
$\theta_0=\arccos(\frac{g/\ell}{\omega^2})$. After straightforward manipulations one obtains, to ${\cal O}(\epsilon)$:
\epsilon\ell \Delta\ddot{\theta}=-\epsilon\Delta\theta
(with a sweet cancellation of the term of order ${\cal O}(1)$.) This is the equation of motion of a harmonic oscillator with frequency
This clearly shows that, if you rotate you pendulum fast enough, i.e so that $\omega>\omega_c$, the pendulum can have small oscillation about a fixed point at some angle given by $\arccos(\frac{g/\ell}{\omega^2})$.
The analysis is supported by looking at level curves of $H$ (it is conserved, even if it is not the total energy).
Below the critical frequency we have the normal phase curves of a harmonic oscillator with stable fixed point at the origin and unstable in the inverted position.
Above the critical frequency, the stable fixed point at $\theta_0$ is clearly visible, as is the unstable fixed point at the origin.
So to answer the question highlighted by the OP: if you spin the pendulum fast enough, and start it near $\theta=0$, i.e. near the downward vertical, it will NOT oscillate near this position.
Edit: We set one up at work, using a good quality skateboard bearing with very little damping in the plane of the pendulum (with no rotation the amplitude dampens by 90% over 400 oscillations). The stiff string (actually a piece of aluminum wire) is required for otherwise the pendulum will not remain in the same (rotating) plane and the motion becomes closer to a spinning spherical pendulum.
Even with a good bearing, there is always a bit of sideways wiggle of the bearing during rotation (similar to the wiggle of trains on a track). This dampens the amplitude of small oscillations about the fixed point (at least this is what we think is happening as qualitatively the $Q$ value for the pure oscillation motion of the pendulum is not enough to account for the rapid damping of the oscillation at high $\omega$).
Also for short penduli length the frequency $\omega$ has to be large, which makes it hard to "see" small oscillations during the fast rotation about the axis. Presumably one would need to keep track of the position of the bob using some sensors.