Mass M is fixed to the end of a rod of length l and negligible mass that is pivoted to swing from the end of a hub that rotates at constant angular frequency ω, as shown in the drawing. The mass moves with steady speed in a circular path of constant radius. The problem is to find α, the angle the rod makes with the vertical.
On solving this example 2.10(The conical pendulum) of the book "An introduction to mechanics by Kleppner D., Kolenkow R.", we have two solutions, $$\cos α =1,$$ $$\cos α =\sqrt{\frac g {lω^2}}.$$ First solution corresponds to the mass rotating rapidly but hanging vertically.
Second solution corresponds to the mass flying in a circular path with the rod at an angle with the vertical.
For $ω > \sqrt \frac gl$, first solution is unstable—if the system is in that state and is slightly perturbed, it will jump outward.
My question is how do we know that first is unstable?