Suppose we have a Gaussian wave function and amplitude distribution function
$$\psi(x) = (\frac{2}{\pi a^{2}})^{1/4}e^{-x^{2}/a^{2}}e^{ik_{0}x}, \qquad \phi(k) = (\frac{a^{2}}{2\pi})^{1/4}e^{-a^{2} (k-k_{0})^{2}/4}.$$
Now, according to my textbook, when $x$ and $k$ vary from $0$ and $k_{0}$ to $\pm \Delta x$ and $k_{0} \pm \Delta k$, the functions $|\psi(x)|^{2}$ and $|\phi(k)|^{2}$ drop to $e^{-1/2}$. I'm having trouble seeing why that is the case, as $e^{-1/2}$ is clearly not half the amplitude, which I would expect to be 0.5.