$\def\om{\omega}\def\vr{{\vec r}}\def\l{\left}\def\r{\right}\def\ve{{\vec e}}\def\vom{{\vec\omega}}\def\ds{\,'}$
Let the car move in the (x,y)-plane, let $m$ be the car's mass and let $J$ be the moment of inertia for the rotation about the axis through the center of mass aligned parallel to the z-direction.
If you have a straight line and a circle with radius $R$ and a smooth transition in between the line and the circle and the car is lossless constrained to this curve then the balance of energy says for the velocity $v_1$ on the line and the velocity $v_2$ on the circle
\frac m2 v_1^2 &= \frac m2 v_2^2 + \frac{J}{2R^2} v_2^2\\
\frac{v_1}{v_2} &= \sqrt{1+\frac{J}{mR^2}}.
So yes, without losses or energy transformations (like chemical to mechanical energy) the velocity in the circular section will be smaller than the velocity on the straight line.
Pityingly it is difficult to write down the equations of motion for such a path.
If one tries it with a direct connection between the straight line and the circular path one ends up with what I have written below.
The resume is that the instantaneous transition from the linear path to the circular path corresponds to an impulsive start of the rotational motion. But there you have something like a collision.
Let us consider the curve
(1,s,0)&\text{ for } s<0\\
(\cos(s),\sin(s),0)&\text{ for } s\in[0,2\pi)
parameterized through arc length $\l(|d\vr| = \sqrt{\cos'(s)^2 + \sin'(s)^2} ds = ds\r)$.
The instantaneous translational velocity of the car is $|\dot\vr(t)| = \dot s(t)$. The instantaneous rotational velocity of the car is $\vom=\ve\times\dot\ve$ with the unit vector
\ve = \vr\ds = \begin{cases}
(0,1,0)&\text{ for }s<0\\
(-\sin(s),\cos(s),0)&\text{ for }s\in[0,2\pi)
$$ (the derivative w.r.t. the arc length parameter). Thus,
\vom(t) = \begin{cases}
\vec{0}&\text{ for }s(t)<0\\
(0,0,\dot s(t))&\text{ for } s(t)\in[0,2\pi)
It is a pure rotation about the z-axis with rotational velocity
$$\omega = \begin{cases}
0&\text{ for }s(t)<0,\\
\dot s(t)&\text{ for } s(t)\in[0,2\pi).
With the car mass $m$ and the moment of inertia $J$ the kinetic energy and also the Lagrangian is
L(s,\dot s) &= \frac m2 {\dot s}^2 + \frac J2 \omega^2\\
&= \frac12(m+JH(s)){\dot s}^2
where $$H=\begin{cases}0&\text{ for }s<0\\\frac12&\text{ for }s=0\\1&\text{ for }s> 0\end{cases}$$ is the Heaviside function. The equation of motion is
\frac{d}{dt}\l(\frac{\partial}{\partial{\dot s}}L\r)-\frac{\partial}{\partial s}L &= 0
which gives with
\frac{\partial}{\partial{\dot s}}L&= (m+JH(s)){\dot s}\\
\frac{d}{dt}\l(\frac{\partial}{\partial{\dot s}}L\r) &= (m+JH(s)){\ddot s}+J\delta(s){\dot s}^2\\
\frac{\partial}{\partial{s}}L&= \frac12 J\delta(s){\dot s}^2
the equation
(m+JH(s)){\ddot s}+\frac{J}{2}\delta(s){\dot s}^2&=0\\
{\ddot s}&=-\frac{J}{2(m+JH(s))}\delta(s){\dot s}^2
This says that the velocity will decrease at $s=0$ if $\dot s\neq 0$ there.
The coefficient of $\delta(s)$ is discontinuous. That means that the integral value of the product is not well defined. E.g., for the product $\frac{J}{2(m+JH(s))}\delta(s)$ the integral value can be between $\frac{J}{2 m}$ and $\frac{J}{2(m+J)}$. This expresses that at the transition from the straigt line to the circular curve you have something like an impact and this impact can be lossy or not.
Let us assume that the car passes $s=0$ at $t=0$ with $\dot s(t-)>0$. Then we have
\int_{t=0-}^{0+}\ddot s dt &= \int_{t=0-}^{0+} -\frac{J}{2(m+JH(s))}\delta(s){\dot s}^2 dt\\
\dot s(0+)-\dot s(0-) &= \int_{s=0-}^{0+} -\frac{J}{2(m+JH(s))}\delta(s){\dot s} ds
If we use the symmetric dirac delta distribution with $\int H(s) \delta(s) ds = \frac12$ we get
\dot s(0+)-\dot s(0-) &= -\frac{J}{2(m+\frac12J)}{\dot s}(0+)+\frac{J}{2m}{\dot s}(0-)
and we can calculate the speed after $t=0$
\dot s(0+)&= \frac{1+\frac{J}{2m}}{1+\frac{J}{2m+J}}{\dot s}(0-)\\
&=\frac{2m+J}{4m(m+J)}{\dot s}(0-)
But this corresponds not to the speeds that are necessary for energy conservation.