I am trying to figure out the matrix for a gate I'm going to be implementing - a mirror, i.e., a $180^{\circ}$ phase shift. Quantiki gives
$$R(\theta)=\begin{bmatrix}1&0\\0&e^{2\pi i\theta}\end{bmatrix}$$
for the phase shift gate; here I assume I would set $\theta = 180$ (unless that's the wrong units or something...)
Wikipedia gives
$$R_\phi = \begin{bmatrix}1&0\\0&e^{i\phi}\end{bmatrix}$$
for the phase shift gate, here I guess I'd set $\phi = 180$?
Here's the problem - they're not the same. My guess would be $\phi = 2\pi\theta$ (perhaps, I don't know). Which is the correct matrix? Or are they the same (and if so, how)?