I'm very new to QM and Quantum Computing and I have a likely simple question, It may simply stem from my lack of knowledge of vector calculus.
We have a 2-qubit quantum state: $$ \mid\psi\rangle = \alpha\mid00\rangle + \beta\mid01\rangle+\gamma\mid10\rangle+\delta\mid11\rangle $$ Passed through the Hadamard Gate which is the following unitary matrix: $$ H = \frac{1}{\sqrt2}\begin{bmatrix} 1&1\\ 1&-1 \end{bmatrix} $$ I fail to understand how the outcome of passing, say, $\mid00\rangle$ through this would yield: $$\frac{\mid00\rangle + \mid10\rangle}{\sqrt2} $$
I've attempted to recreate this, but I don't know how to multiply different dimensional matricies. If someone wouldn't mid multiplying these out so I can understand a bit more of what's going on, I'd be very appreciative.