As I can see in the picture, there are so many pillars which are holding the bridge. This picture gave a question to me that what are these pillars doing below the bridge?? An appripriate answer could be "these are providing support to bridge".
I tried to get the answer as follows:
In the first image there are two pillars holding a bridge of mass $M$, since gravitaional force is acting downwards thus pillars are bearing a force of $\frac{1}{2}Mg$.
In the second image there are four pillars bearing a force of $\frac{1}{4}Mg$. I'm assuming that mass of bridge is uniformly distributed and each pillar is bearing an equal amount of the load.
Now the question is that since the pillars are bearing the force, so if we make strong enough pillars to bear a large force then there will be no need of so many pillars.
But that is not the case, we see a large number of pillars holding a bridge. What is wrong with the work I did? Shouldn't the number of pillars depend upon the strength of the pillars we make rather than the length of the bridge ??
I shall be thankful if you can provide more information about this topic.