Given the finite conformal transformations
My simple, and really algebraric, question is, how do you actually compute $\text{exp}(ia^\mu P_\mu)$? What I have done: $$e^{a^\mu\partial_\mu}x^\nu=(1+a^\mu\partial_\mu+O(\partial^2))x^\nu=x^\nu+a^\mu\delta_\mu^\nu=x^\nu+a^\nu.$$ So far so good. $$e^{i\alpha D}x^\nu=(1+\alpha x^\mu\partial_\mu+O(\partial^2))x^\nu=x^\nu+\alpha x^\nu=(1+\alpha)x^\nu.$$ Is it correct that there doesn't need to be a 1-1 correspondence between generators and transformations? Like $e^{\alpha D}x^\mu$ does not generate $\alpha x^\mu$.