I understand how a gauge boson can create a field that looks like gravity, but how can a force carrying particle explain the draggin of time frames or the dilation of time? That is, if a graviton were discovered tomorrow that explained the attraction as a force (instead of warping of spacetime), how would we explain the other effects of spacetime curvature such as time dilation and frame dragging around a spinning mass?
EDIT: I'm not asking anyone to resolve the question of Quantum Gravity. I'm asking specifically about time. How can a gauge boson explain how time at the bottom of a gravity well proceeds at a different rate than time outside a gravity well.This is a particle physics question. What property of particle physics have you discovered that changes how time flows?
EDIT 2: I've done the courtesy of reading through the posts that you've suggested. Do me the courtesy of reading mine. I have a specific question about time that none of your posts address. What property of QFT allows a particle to alter the flow of time?