It doesn't really mean anything bad at all, in spite of the confused answers one sometimes receives about this matter. The big point is: there is no very direct physical meaning to applying an operator $H$ or $Q$, even if it is an observable, to a wave function $\psi$, even if $\psi$ is in the domain of $H$ or $Q$. (See also Operator versus Linear Transformation, .
In my opinion, the only operator with very direct physical meaning is the time evolution operator $e^{iHt}$ for some $t$, or for all $t$, and as you seem to realise, by the Stone-von Neumann theorem, this exists even for discontinuous $\psi$ even for unbounded $H$.
But, also this is my opinion, the exact definition of Hilbert space is not that important and many mathematical physicists who worry (too much) about whether discontinuous wave functions, which are obviously outside the domain of $H$, are physical or not, manage to formulate Quantum Mechanics just fine on a dense subspace of a Hilbert space. Other, with the opposite worry, again, in my opinion, worrying too much about something which isn't really that bad, talk about rigged Hilbert spaces or nuclear spaces in order to somehow include infinite norm states and exclude non-differentiable wave functions....see Sudbery, Quantum Mechanics and the Particles of Nature. for this.
There is a mathematical reason for thinking that the exact choice of what domain or what space, whether the Hilbert space, or a subspace of smooth wavefunctions inside the Hilbert Space, or the Schwartz space of rapidly decreasing and smooth functions, or an extension of the Hilbert space to include some dual objects such as distributions, to think of as the domain of these operators, is....unimportant because no matter what space you choose, you get the same physics, and that reason is a theorem of Wilfrid Schmid, Henryk Hecht, and Dragan Milicic, or at least somebody or other, which says that if you have a semi-simple Lie group operating on the space, (if the QM is going to made relativistic you eventually have to assume the Lorentz group acts) and if the representation has a finite composition series (this excludes quantum fields), then the algebraic structure of that rep. is independent of which space you consider (within broad limits). Earlier versions of such results were proved by Nelson, Garding, and Harish-Chandra, and gave a very pleasant surprise to Hermann Weyl and everyone else involved at the time...
Now very concretely, even if $\psi$ is not in the domain of $H$, or any other observable $Q$, it is still true that the Hilbert space has a Hilbert basis of eigenstates of $H$ and hence even if $\psi$ is horrible and discontinuous and everything bad, it still holds that
$$\psi = \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty}\sum_{i=0}^{i=n} c_i v_i$$
where $v_i$ is the normalised eigenstate of $H$ (or $Q$) with eigenvalue, say, $\lambda_i$, and $c_i$ are complex numbers, the so-called Fourier--Bessel coefficients of $\psi$, and the convergence is not pointwise but in the L$^2$ norm. Now notice: each finite sum
$$\sum_{i=0}^{i=n} c_i v_i$$ is an analytic function, if $H$ is hypo-elliptic, as is often true, e.g., the harmonic oscillator, and is at any rate smooth and in the domain of $H$.
And it is still true, by the axioms of QM, that the probability that $H$ (or $Q$) will, if measured, take the value of $\lambda_i$, is $\vert c_i \vert ^2$ whether or not $\psi$ is in the domain of $H$ (or $Q$).
Pedagogically, there is this widespread confusion that an observable, since it is an operator, ought to be applied to a function since it is an operator, but this is just a naive confusion. If anything should be applied to the wave function as an operator, it is the exponential of $iH$, which is always bounded. To repeat: just because $H$ is an operator, and $\psi$ is a function, doesn't mean you should apply $H$ to $\psi$. Although when you can, that may be a useful shortcut, it is not necessary to ever do it, and the axioms of QM, when stated carefully, never ask you to apply $H$ to $\psi$. What they ask you to do is, for the unitary time evolution to apply the exponential of $iH$, and for the Born rule probabilities, expand $\psi$ to get its Fourier--Bessel coefficients. The sloppy way of thinking, which one often sees, works fine for many simple QM problems, but leads to people asking precisely this OP, precisely since it is sloppy. The careful axiomatisation states things the way I formulated them.