I think there are mainly two reasons for motivating the introduction of $p$-adic models in physics.
- They could exist in nature.
- They provide insightful toy models for physical phenomena.
There is a vast physical literature on the subject which cite Reason 1 as justification, this is sometimes called the Vladimirov Hypothesis. Namely, we do not know the texture of spacetime at the Planck scale therefore it is possible that it might look more like $\mathbb{Q}_p^d$ than $\mathbb{R}^d$.
It is a seductive idea, but there is no evidence for it. Moreover, this would beg the question of why would Nature choose a particular prime number. A perhaps better hypothesis is the Adelic one advocated by Manin, i.e., all primes should occur democratically.
In any case, this is quite speculative at present.
The use of $p$-adic numbers in physics is not a "waste of time" because of Reason 2.
By exaggerating only a little, one could argue that $p$-adic toy models is what guided Kenneth Wilson when making his great discoveries in the theory of the renormalization group
which entirely revolutionized physics in the early seventies.
When studying complex multiscale phenomena it is often important to decompose functions into time-frequency atoms which live on a tree, e.g., when using a wavelet decomposition.
Unfortunately for most questions of interest the metric which governs how these atoms interact with each other is not the natural (from the tree point of view) ultrametric distance, but the Euclidean metric of the underlying continuum. Hierarchical models in physics amount to changing the model so it is the ultrametric distance which defines atomic correlations. The same idea also appears in mathematics where such toy models are often called "dyadic models". See this wonderful post by Tao for a nice discussion of this circle of ideas. Given a problem in Euclidean space, there are lots of ways of setting up a simplified hierarchical model for it.
The $p$-adics, in some sense provide the most canonical, stuctured and principled way of doing this.
To go back to Wilson and the RG, he also used a hierarchical model
and gave it yet another name "the approximate recursion". The importance of this toy model in Wilson's path to discovery is clear from his quote:
"Then, at Michael's urging, I work out what happens near four dimensions for the approximate recursion formula, and find that d-4 acts as a small parameter. Knowing this it is then trivial, given my field theoretic training, to construct the beginning of the epsilon expansion for critical exponents."
which can be found here (about one third from the bottom of the page).
As for references, a good entry point in the subject is the two articles:
- "Tree-like structure of eternal inflation: A solvable model" by
Harlow, Shenker, Stanford, and Susskind,
Phys. Rev. D 85, 063516 – 2012.
- "Nonarchimedean Conformal Field Theories" by Melzer,
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, 04, 4877 (1989).
Then for learning $p$-adic analysis there are various books or review articles, e.g.,
- "P-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics" by V.S. Vladimirov, I.V. Volovich, and E.I. Zelenov, World Scientific Publishing Company, 1994.
- "Theory of P-adic Distributions: Linear and Nonlinear Models" by S. Albeverio, A. Khrennikov, and V. M. Shelkovich,
Cambridge University Press, 2010.
- "An Introduction to p-adic Fields, Harmonic Analysis and the Representation Theory of SL2" by Sally in Lett. Math. Phys. 1998.