
I've come to this sentence and I don't understand the term Nyquist edge.

Because observing in the FM band is not feasible, a sampling frequency of 200 MHz has been chosen for most of the receiver modes. This sampling results in a Nyquist edge almost at the center of the FM band.


1 Answer 1


In signal processing, the Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem says you need at least 2 samples of a frequency to be able to perfectly reconstruct it. So in your question, a sampling rate of $200\: \mathrm{MHz}$ means you can perfectly reconstruct frequencies in the range of $0 - 100\: \mathrm{MHz}$. So what happens when frequencies above $100\: \mathrm{MHz}$ are present? They fold over (are aliased) into the the $0 - 100\: \mathrm{MHz}$ range and the fold-over point at $100\: \mathrm{MHz}$ is the Nyquist Edge.

For example: nyqust zones about edges There is a pretty good article about this behavior at here.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Also, for the curious, there is an absolutely fantastic video about frequencies, sampling rates, reconstructing signals from samples, etc. over at Xiph.org here: http://www.xiph.org/video/vid2.shtml $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 16, 2013 at 21:24

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