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manisar's user avatar
manisar's user avatar
  • Member for 3 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
2 votes

Why are dependancies multiplied when a physical quantity is dependant on two different quantities?

2 votes

Acceleration of the center of mass without external forces paradox

2 votes

If I throw a ball into a quarter of a circular tube, what will be the final direction of the ball?

1 vote

How does a simple pendulum gain its acceleration?

1 vote

Is pressure only due to weight?

1 vote

How can there be force with no work if $W = Fd$ and $F = ma$?

1 vote

Why is the derivative of Vector equal to Derivative of its rectilinear components?

0 votes

What does a wing do that an engine can't?

0 votes

What does a wing do that an engine can't?

0 votes

Object moving from up to down and stopped midair

0 votes

DIY liquid piston

-2 votes

How to understand the definition of vector and tensor?

-3 votes

What is a tensor?