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Bloch Hamiltonian and chiral symmetry

There is "no chiral symmetry" in the sense that one cannot find a matrix $U$ that satisfies the condition $$ U h_k U^{\dagger} = - h_k \quad \forall \, k. $$ That for all $k$ part is the ...
Vokaylop's user avatar
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Why is parity not used to classify topological insulators?

The ten-fold way classification for periodic topological insulators happened about a decade ago. It was a big advance for the time. There have been advances since then. Lots of symmetries have been ...
Terry Loring's user avatar
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Does any Hamiltonian with spectrum mirrored about 0 have a sublattice/chiral symmetry?

I would have rather posted this as a comment, but I am new and don't have enough reputation. I may be reading my own past confusion into this question; please forgive me if that is the case. First of ...
Bailey Bussiere's user avatar

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