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2 votes

How does MOND explain ‘low dark matter’ galaxies?

Last I saw the two most common ways are: Modify the theory. This is how (extensions of) MOND explain the cosmic microwave background. Keep the theory, but say it is non-visible ordinary matter ...
Allure's user avatar
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Can Dark Matter be...(massive) gravitons?

It is still beyond the range of our current detectors to verify whether or not the graviton could have a non-zero mass. The honest answer is that no one actually knows yet. But should the graviton ...
Randall Gates's user avatar
1 vote

References on Starobinsky inflation and quadratic gravity in cosmology

I can recommend the original paper of Starobinsky: “A New Type of Isotropic Cosmological Models Without Singularity,” Phys. Lett. B 91 (1980) 99–102. If you are interested about its predictions on ...

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