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Reasoning behind the Lorenz gauge

Your are confusing two things The condition on $\chi$ such that the gauge transformed field $$A'_\mu := A_\mu +\partial_\mu \chi$$ is in Lorenz gauge. This is indeed $\Box \chi = -\partial^\mu A_\mu$...
Lukas Nullmeier's user avatar
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Functional derivative of gauge fixing condition - Peskin QFT page 295

Hints: Functional/variational differentiation $$\frac{\delta\alpha(x)}{\delta\alpha(y)}=\delta^4(x\!-\!y)$$ here acts on different/independent spacetime points $x$ and $y$; not the same spacetime ...
Qmechanic's user avatar
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BRST charge action on fields

Eqs. (1) & (2) are the standard way a Noether charge $Q$ generates a symmetry transformation, cf. e.g. this & this related Phys.SE posts. More generally, an operator $\hat{F}$ is transformed ...
Qmechanic's user avatar
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Reasoning behind the Lorenz gauge

If you start out with a potential that does not obey the Lorenz condition you can fix that with a gauge transformation as you correctly state. Then you still have the remaining freedom of a gauge ...
my2cts's user avatar
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Proving gauge transformation of non-abelian field strength

Specifically regarding the derivative. By definition: $$ U(x) = \exp(i \alpha_a(x) T^{a}) = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \frac{(i \alpha_a(x) T^a)^n}{n!} $$ Taking derivative yields $$ \partial U = \sum_{n=0}^...
Vokaylop's user avatar
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Proving gauge transformation of non-abelian field strength

You are making heavy weather of something easy. I'll use slightly different conventions but the result is the same. Start by defining the gauge-covariant derivative $$ \nabla_\mu=\partial_\mu+A_\mu. $...
mike stone's user avatar
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What's the form of EL equation for KG field with gauge covariant derivative?

Remember EL equations are derived from the least-action principle: $$ \frac{\delta S}{\delta\phi} = \frac{\delta \int{d^4x \mathcal{L}}}{\delta \phi}=0 $$ Expanding this out using your Lagrangian ...
Alex V's user avatar
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