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8 votes

Functional derivative under a path integral sign

For what it's worth, to gain some intuition, consider the following crude discretization of OP's path integral: $$\frac{\partial}{\partial\chi^k}\underbrace{\left[\prod_{i\in I} \int d\phi^{i} e^{-{\...
Qmechanic's user avatar
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2 votes

Alternative QFT description

Describing a field as an infinite number of harmonic oscillators is another way of saying you are doing perturbation theory. For a free field, the decomposition into harmonic oscillators is exact. For ...
Andrew's user avatar
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2 votes

Why is $\phi$ not primary for 2d free boson?

You can think of it this way. Is there a local operator $\phi(x)$ which satisfies the following properties? The rescaling $x' = \lambda x$ makes the operator transform as $\phi'(x') = \phi(x)$. This ...
Connor Behan's user avatar
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1 vote

Alternative QFT description

Quantum field theory on curved spacetime is a subject of active research and I don't know of any serious possibility of testing it in the near future so everything written about it should be taken ...
alanf's user avatar
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Electron-phonon coupling within field integral formalism

Here is my attempt, which I think is sensible. Define $g_{q} = i \gamma q_j/ \sqrt{2m\Omega_q}$ where we absorbed the $j$ index into $q$. We also stick the spin-index $\sigma$ into $k$. The phonon ...
Tyler Sterling's user avatar

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