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Ghosts are unphysical states that arise when quantizing gauge theories. Do not use this tag for 'ghosts' in the paranormal sense.

0 votes

Beginner question on ghost system

Note that those fermions has integer spin while the bosons has semi-integer spins, the opposite of the spin-statistic, characterizing them as ghosts (if you assume that your theory obey spin-statistic …
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2 votes

BRST-quantization of open string at level $N=1$

$L_1^{(m)}$ commutes with the $bc$-ghosts. Furthermore, $c_1$ and $c_{-1}$ anti-commute, so $c_1c_{-1}|0;k\rangle=-c_{-1}c_{1}|0;k\rangle=0$, and the firth term annihilate the state as well. …
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2 votes

Ghost in the quantization of relativistic particle

If $|p\rangle$ is an eigenstate of $p^\mu$,there is no reason to make this state a ghost. Ghost would appear if you have polarization in this states. Is better to see this in a second quantization. No …
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2 votes

Why do Faddeev-Popov ghost anti-commute?

The opposite statistic of the ghosts will lead to an erasing of the wrong polarizations that you introduce in order to work in a covariant manner. … All this holds because the ghosts has the opposite statistics of the gauge parameters. …
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7 votes

Why can't Faddeev-Popov ghosts be replaced with bosons?

Also, it is better to have the ghosts as fermions since they will shows up in loops with the opposite sign of the pure gauge loops, erasing them. … In this formalism of bosonic ghosts is not clear how this cancellation will be happening, but of course will be happen since there is no inconsistency over here. …
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1 vote

Calculating $S$-matrix in string theory

Ghosts insertions are related to moduli (b-ghosts) and fixing vertex operators (c-ghosts). …
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1 vote

Supercurrent of the $bc$-$\beta\gamma$ SCFT

The supercurrent is fixed by the superconformal algebra, which closes after adding the energy-momentum tensor $T_{B}$: $$ T_F(z)T_F(0)\sim\frac{2c}{3z^3}+\frac{2}{z}T_{B}(0)\,, $$ $$ T_{B}(z)T_F(0)\si …
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