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Results for quantum chaos
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2 votes
1 answer

Quantum chaos: Approach to classicality

In the authors state that The entire field of quantum chaos is founded upon one property of the classical limit, however, which is that convergence to classicality …
1 vote
1 answer

Quantum chaos and tunnel effect

In quantum chaos, more concretely in quantum billiards, when an electron is moving within some certain chaotic-shaped domain, scars may appear if you introduce some losses on the boundaries where the propagating … So is quantum scarring related to quantum tunneling or is it more related to the spin being flipped? …
Evariste's user avatar
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1 answer

How to define quantum chaos?

I was told that quantum chaos is just a system whose Hamiltonian's classical version shows chaotic behavior. However, I just wondering what happens when one eigenstate of this Hamiltonian evolves? … However I still have no idea of how the eigenstate will evolve under "quantum chaotic" Hamiltonian. …
RoderickLee's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Is that true that real quantum chaos doesn't exist?

I read several books and papers on quantum chaos, to my understanding they all emphases that the quantum chaos does not really exist because the linearity of the Schrodinger equation. … Some works were done on the so-called quantum kicked rotors which was used as a quantum counterpart for the classical chaos. …
user1285419's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Characteristic energy spectrum patterns in quantum chaos In this article, the author says that "the energy levels of a chaotic quantum system exhibit strong correlations." … Why chaotic quantum system's energy spectra are nearly correlated? …
Hee Ryang Choi's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Bound on Quantum Chaos

I am currently reading the paper A Bound on Chaos. … In essence, I have 3 questions: Would we get multiple Quantum Lyapunov exponents from higher point OTOC's? What would the higher point OTOC's tell us about the chaotic behaviour of the system? …
Tushar Gopalka's user avatar
6 votes
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Is it possible to reproduce the energy spectrum of quantum chaos using classical cellular au...

Is it possible to reproduce the energy spectrum of quantum chaos using classical cellular automata? It's hardly impressive to reproduce harmonic oscillators. …
Lou P's user avatar
  • 61
7 votes
4 answers

Randomness, Chaos, Quantum mechanical probability functions

Quantum randomness: The inherent probability distributions that we study in QM, where the electron's position probablity distribution is set by QM. … how do the concepts of randomness in coin toss, randomness in chaos and randomness in QM fit into a unified picture. Can someone please elaborate ? …
New Horizon's user avatar
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Classical chaos at finite temperature

Is there any finite temperature generalization of classical chaos? … In quantum chaos, at least with regards to out-of-time-order correlators, the generalization is clear - one simply takes a thermal average instead of averaging over all states equally. …
Henry Shackleton's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

What is the relationship between quantum physics and chaos theory?

Articles such as this one seem to hint at the fact that "macro reality" regulated by classical mechanics is somehow a pattern emerging out of quantum-level chaos. Is that correct? … Can anything at a quantum level be defined as a complex system? I apologize if there are inaccuracies in the way the question is formulated, feel free to tear it apart and answer as it fits best. …
Misha's user avatar
  • 61
0 votes
3 answers

Could quantum entanglement be explained in terms of synchronized chaos?

Most arguments against any hidden variable theories in quantum mechanics are based on Bell's theorem and consequences. … Could Einstein's "spooky action at a distance" be explained in terms of chaos theory? Could it all be explained based on synchronized chaotic systems? …
Cristian Dumitrescu's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Does chaos theory occur in quantum mechanics? Or in any non-newtonian physics?

Does chaos theory occur in quantum mechanics? Or in any non-newtonian physics? Apart from perhaps thermodynamics? …
mick's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

What can be the smallest chaotic system?

As I am talking about 'smallest' can I expect that it should be a quantum system? I understand that we use quantum chaos theory instead of perturbation theory when the perturbation is not small. … For example when quantum numbers are very high for an EM field interacting with an atom, we cannot use perturbation theory. In this case we will use the theory of quantum chaos. …
Omar Shehab's user avatar
0 votes
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What is the classical counterpart of ultra-cold atoms?

I'm studying quantum chaos in ultra-cold atoms. … However, quantum chaos denotes the quantum mechanics of classically chaotic systems and it is not clear to me what is the classical counterpart of models like the Bose-Hubbard model, for example. …
J.delaCruz's user avatar
-2 votes
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Chaos and quantum physics: How many ways can a bonfire burn?

I'm interested in the extent to which quantum physical effects are seen at a macroscopic level. … If we are effected by quantum physics at all, I imagine this is roughly a function of the timescale of the chaos effects. …
John Berryman's user avatar

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