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Questions tagged [sine-gordon]

The sine–Gordon equation is a nonlinear hyperbolic partial differential equation in 1 + 1 dimensions involving the d'Alembert operator and the sine of the unknown function. This equation attracted a lot of attention in the 1970s due to the presence of soliton solutions. It has importance in quantum field theory, topological aspects like soliton, instanton, in the integrable model, and in exact solutions like Beth ansatz.

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Mathematical content of Thirring/Sine-Gordon duality

I'm a mathematician who is intrigued by the duality between the Thirring and Sine-Gordon models as established by Sidney Coleman. Can someone explain the mathematical content of this duality to me? (...
Brian Klatt's user avatar
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Proof for the Mass gap of sine-Gordon action with $g \cos(\beta \Phi)$

This is the sine-Gordon action: $$ \frac{1}{4\pi} \int_{ \mathcal{M}^2} dt \; dx \; k\, \partial_t \Phi \partial_x \Phi - v \,\partial_x \Phi \partial_x \Phi + g \cos(\beta_{}^{} \cdot\Phi_{}) $$ ...
wonderich's user avatar
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Linear terms in Wilson approach to renormalization

In Wilson's approach to renormalization we break up a field $\phi_0$ which includes modes up to some cutoff $\Lambda$ into two parts, $\phi_0=\phi+\tilde\phi,$ where $\phi$ only has modes up to some ...
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