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Propagating of shock waves in an ideal gas

I am studying gas dynamics and I want to numerically calculate the propagation of a shock wave in an ideal gas. The problem statement is something like this: The ideal gas is located in the region $-\...
Daniil Udalov's user avatar
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Can a Mach number be defined for a hot gas fluid element using its own temperature and velocity?

I know that the ratio of an object's speed to the local sound speed is called the Mach number: $$M = \frac{v}{c_s}$$ where $$c_s = \sqrt{\frac{\gamma kT}{\mu m_p}}$$ I have always thought of the Mach ...
quantumflash's user avatar
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Mach cone geometry from Mach number

Given a Mach number, how would I go about determining the geometry of the associated Mach cone? Apologies, I'm not too well versed in physics.
Infinitus's user avatar
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Modal filtering with Vandermonde matrix - Artificial viscosity

I am trying to implement a 2D shock detector for an artificial viscosity model to control strong nonlinearities in compressible fluids. The method I am relying on is originally from: Yu, M. L., ...
Amzocks's user avatar
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How to get exact solution to Sod shock tube test?

I wrote a program in Fortran which calculates Sod shock tube numerically. Now I want to compare it with exact (analytical) solution, but I don't know how to get it. Can I find it somewhere or do I ...
Andrej's user avatar
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Sod shock tube - Contact Discontinuity

sorry for bothering with my question. I have trying to understand, how is it possible to have a discontinuity on Density and not on Pressure. I don't ...
Billy Matlock's user avatar
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Integral of Sedov's self-similar solution to the spherical blast wave problem

I'm studying the Taylor-Sedov self-similar solution to the problem of a strong explosion in a homogenoeus atmosphere. The problem is discussed in Landau & Lifschitz VI (in the 2nd edition it's §...
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