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How do shock waves form in space?

Today my aerodynamics professor mentioned that the equations we were learning for atmospheric shock waves can also be applied by astrophysicists to study black hole-related shock waves in space. How ...
techSultan's user avatar
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Mach no. should be constant for existence of similarity solution

I am reading some research papers on Taylor-Sedov type self-similar solution to the blast wave problems... It is written that for the existence of similarity solutions Mach number should be constant.....
user45799's user avatar
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A question about the Fermi acceleration

In high school physics, we know that a charged particle cannot gain energy from a magnetic field. But, it seems that in the so-called Fermi acceleration, the particle is accelerated by the magnetic ...
S. Kohn's user avatar
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What is the most efficient particle acceleration mechanism in space and astrophysical plasmas

My question is: What are the most efficient particle acceleration mechanisms in space and astrophysical plasmas: wave-particle interactions, collisionless shocks, or magnetic reconnection? Does it ...
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