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Is it possible to know/compute measurment impact to infer state before collapse? [duplicate]

Let say we have the state $ |\varphi⟩ = \alpha|0⟩ + \beta|1⟩ $ Measuring this state provoke a change, $\epsilon$ to the system, $S$, making the state of $|\varphi⟩$ collapse to either $|0⟩$ or $|1⟩$. ...
TSS22's user avatar
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Can reversible computers really perform truly reversible computations in practice? [closed]

Someone once told me that with reversible computers there is no energy cost for the computation itself, there is only a cost for running the hardware. But is this true in practice, or is it only an ...
Willpergg's user avatar
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7 answers

Quantum and classical physics are reversible, yet quantum gates have to be reversible, whereas classical gates need not. Why?

I've read in many books and articles that because Schrödinger's equation is reversible, quantum gates have to be reversible. OK. But, classical physics is reversible, yet classical gates in classical ...
Anarchasis's user avatar
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Quantum teleportation reversible?

The following figure displays a circuit implementing quantum teleportation. It uses Haramard transform (H), controlled not (+), measurements (meas), a Not gate (N) and a phase shift gate (P) to ...
Peter's user avatar
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Again: why do quantum computations need to be reversible?

In quantum computing, there is famous "law" which is to say that all the computation must be reversible. I understand that, for simplicity, it may be easier to consider reversible operation, and that ...
tobiasBora's user avatar
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How to calculate quantum cost of a reversible logic circuit?

I am trying to develop new reversible logic synthesis algorithm. But I need a good quantum cost measure for a synthesized circuit to compare my results with existing ones. For now I'm using RCViewer+ ...
Dmitriy Zakablukov's user avatar
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Reversible gates

Is it possible to make any gate reversible merely by retaining the input bits in the output and introducing ancilla bits as necessary? That is, given an irreversible gate with $k$ inputs and $l$ ...
abcdefg's user avatar
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If quantum computation is reversible, what is the point of Grover's search algorithm?

Wikipedia et al say the following about Grover's algorithm: Although the purpose of Grover's algorithm is usually described as “searching a database”, it may be more accurate to describe it as “...
Chris Pacejo's user avatar