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3 answers

Two Polytropic and Two Adiabtic processes in Thermodynamic cycle [closed]

$1$ mole of an Ideal gas performs a reversible cycle with 2 adiabatic and 2 polytropic processes. $A(P_0,V_0,T_0)$ to $B$ with $V_B=V_A/\lambda$ with an adiabatic process. $B$ to $C$ with a polytropic ...
Μπαμπης Ποζουκιδης's user avatar
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1 answer

Derive the Carnot Efficiency without using the Carnot Cycle? [closed]

How can you derive the Carnot efficiency using only properties of reversible cycles?
Phineas Nicolson's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Prove all reversible heat engines that work between just two temperatures have the same efficiency

Can someone explain this explanation to me: A completely different argument focuses on the requirement that the device only move heat at one or other of the two temperatures. Then, provided we ...
Victor M's user avatar
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Question about reversible heat engine efficiency

I have a question regarding heat engines that cropped up whilst I was doing a practice question. I will summarise the results I obtained for the previous parts of the question so as to save your time. ...
user3107693's user avatar