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Reference on the quantization of Polyakov action at higher genus

Despite my searches, I was unable to find a good reference on this topic. I was looking for a reference about quantization of the Polyakov action for an arbitrary Riemann surface. I am thankful to ...
1 vote
2 answers

Quiver Mechanics

What do you suggest as an essential and introductory set of references in Physics literature for learning quivers? Any textbook?
5 votes
1 answer

References on mathematical stacks for a string theory student

This question was posted on mathoverflow (here) without too much success. I'm hoping to read the famous Kapustin-Witten Paper "Electric-magnetic duality and the geometric Langlands program" ...
3 votes
1 answer

Prerequisites for IAS volumes on Quantum Fields and Strings

I'm a physics grad student interested in pursuing physics in a mathematically rigorous manner. However, I've hit a roadblock with the two volume book, Quantum Fields and Strings: A Course For ...
2 votes
0 answers

References for topological strings on supermanifolds

This question concerns topological string theory. It was known sice its outset, that the BRST-cohomology ("the ring of observables") of the weakly coupled B-model topological string on a ...
7 votes
0 answers

Lost reference: Kähler gravity in six dimensions and three dimensional $SL(2,\mathbb{C})$ Chern-Simons theory

I've noticed that several references take for a fact that by studying Kähler gravity on a Calabi-Yau threefold one can demostrate that any lagrangian submanifold embedded in the threefold posees three ...
2 votes
0 answers

Relationship between boundary states and primary states of a Kazama-Suzuki model

In [1] and [2] the authors claim that the boundary states (not just the Ishibashi states) of a Kazama-Suzuki model are labelled in the same way as the primary states of the model, so that the boundary ...
2 votes
1 answer

Which are the best introductory books for topology, algebraic geometry, differential geometry, manifolds, etc, needed for string theory? [duplicate]

Which are the best introductory books for topology, algebraic geometry, differential geometry, manifolds, etc, needed for string theory?
13 votes
1 answer

String theory from a mathematical point of view

I have a great interest in the area of string theory, but since I am more focused on mathematics, I was wondering if there is any book out there that covers mathematical aspects of string theory. I ...
3 votes
1 answer

Mathematical definitions in string theory

Does anyone know of a book that has mathematical definitions of a string, a $p$-brane, a $D$-brane and other related topics. All the books I have looked at don't have a precise definition and this is ...
34 votes
8 answers

Introduction to string theory

I am in the last year of MSc. and would like to read string theory. I have the Zwiebach Book, but along with it what other advanced book can be followed, which can be a complimentary to Zwiebach. I ...