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15 votes
2 answers

Resources for algebraic topology in condensed matter physics

I wanted to know if anyone had any good introductions on algebraic topology for the theoretical physicist? I am particularly interested in applications to condensed matter physics, but would be happy ...
2 votes
0 answers

Any good reference on Maslov index (or Morse index)?

Any good reference on Maslov index (or Morse index)? I have some basic knowledge of differential geometry, calculus of variation. So is there any good reference for me?
1 vote
0 answers

Prereqs for The Geometry of Physics by Frankel [duplicate]

I'm interested in giving The Geometry of Physics a read, and I was wondering what the mathematical and (more importantly) physical prerequisites are. My background is a bit stronger on the ...
2 votes
1 answer

Which are the best introductory books for topology, algebraic geometry, differential geometry, manifolds, etc, needed for string theory? [duplicate]

Which are the best introductory books for topology, algebraic geometry, differential geometry, manifolds, etc, needed for string theory?
3 votes
4 answers

Topology needed for Differential Geometry [duplicate]

I am a physics undergrad, and need to study differential geometry ASAP to supplement my studies on solitons and instantons. How much topology do I need to know. I know some basic concepts reading from ...
51 votes
5 answers

Book covering differential geometry and topology for physics

I'm interested in learning how to use geometry and topology in physics. Could anyone recommend a book that covers these topics, preferably with some proofs, physical applications, and emphasis on ...
18 votes
5 answers

Applications of Geometric Topology to Theoretical Physics

Geometric topology is the study of manifolds, maps between manifolds, and embeddings of manifolds in one another. Included in this sub-branch of Pure Mathematics; knot theory, homotopy, manifold ...