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SPDC entangled photons and orbital angular momentum?

I know that spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC) produces entangled photons in the orbital angular momentum (OAM), i.e., for a pump beam with zero OAM, $ |\psi \rangle = | 0 0 \rangle + | 1 -...
MementoMori's user avatar
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Will an entangled photon bouncing off a/penetrating through a mirror "de-tangle" it?

Lets say I create a pair of entangled photons. I then shoot one of the photons through a semi-silvered(semi-reflecting) mirror. one(or both) of the photons are reflected, and (or) one (or both) of the ...
RhinoPak's user avatar
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Entangled Photons Emited from Stars

Do starts emit entangled photons? If so, how do you calculate the percentage of photons that are entangled? What are the mechanisms that would cause a star to emit entangled photons?
psitae's user avatar
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Creation of entangled electrons

If one obtains two entangled in polarization photons by parametric down conversion and one of them is accepted by and electron 1 and other by electron 2 - are this electrons now entangled in spin?
Mercury's user avatar
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Is linear polarization of entangle photons in 2-particle decay always correlated?

In Aspect's paper "Bell's Theorem: The naive..." and in an 2002 AJP article by Dehlinger and Mitchell "Entangled photon apparatus..." the photons are described to be in the $|xx\rangle+|yy\rangle$ ...
Guy Vandegrift's user avatar
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Does this experiment on wave-particle duality and complementarity disprove quantum mechanics and prove the EPR viewpoint on it?

I recently read Photons act like they go through two paths, even when we know which they took, at Ars Technica, which reports on the paper Wave-particle dualism and complementarity unraveled by ...
user1813004's user avatar