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2 answers

Are the muon/tau neutrinos produced in the Sun? If not, then where?

I was reading about Solar Neutrinos, and apparently they are all Electron Neutrinos. However, there are two other types of neutrinos, the Muon and Tau Neutrinos. Does the Sun produce them? If not, ...
DrZ214's user avatar
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Do stellar model luminosities include neutrino losses?

I have had a sudden crisis in my understanding of the published outputs from stellar evolutionary model calculations. Usually these models output a "luminosity" that one can then use, along ...
ProfRob's user avatar
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What is the bigger number of particles crossing an area: the number of photons or the number of neutrinos? [closed]

Take an squared area with (10²)² m² in front of the sun. What is the bigger number of particles crossing an area: the number of photons or the number of neutrinos? Just for clarification: you can ...
Vendetta's user avatar
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In what ways does the sun output energy?

I'm curious about the energy output of the sun, and how it breaks down. What fraction is from EM radiation, solar wind, neutrinos, et cetera? How does energy output vary over the EM spectrum? I was ...
Alex Altair's user avatar
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4 answers

Are neutrino stars theoretically possible?

Since neutrinos have a small mass and are affected by gravity, wouldn't it be theoretically possible to have such a large quantity of them so close to each other, that they would form a kind of a ...
miikkas's user avatar
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