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3 answers

Is it possible to go faster than the speed of light in vacuum?

If it is possible for particles to go faster than the speed of light in certain events, would it be possible to create a situation in which the barrier of the speed of light can be crossed?
2 votes
4 answers

Does the special theory of relativity form the foundation of modern physics?

Does the Special Theory of Relativity "form" the foundation of Modern Physics? My question is in reference to Geoff Brumfiel's Scientific American article "Particles Found to Travel Faster than Speed ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is Helicity an intrinsic property of massive Neutrinos?

Hyperphysics states that, unlike an electron, the helicity of a neutrino is invariant because we cannot change to a reference frame where it is different: This and subsequent experiments have ...
1 vote
1 answer

Distance and time measurement in the famous Superluminal Neutrinos Experiment

I tried to understand the technical aspects of the OPERA/CERN experiment, but apparently it takes some professional experience. Therefore I would like to ask someone better acquainted with such ...
0 votes
1 answer

Neutrinos and Speed of light

Einstein's Special Theory of relativity postulates that the speed of light is same for all frames. Suppose a neutrino is there moving at the speed of light. Then will that neutrino also be flowing ...