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2 votes
1 answer

In neutrino absorption, what is it really that absorbs the neutrino?

I have read a lot of questions on this site about neutrino absorption, and all of them mention that usually when a neutron transforms into a proton or vica versa, that is really an up quark transforms ...
0 votes
1 answer

Mass difference of $B^0$, $\overline{B^0}$-states

It is known that $B^0$, $\overline{B^0}$ or $K^0$, $\overline{K^0}$ particles have different masses and that they oscillate in 'an equivalent' way to neutrino oscillations. Is it theoretically ...
0 votes
1 answer

How are neutrino energy eigenstates different to the momentum eigenstates?

Neutrino flavour eigenstates can be expressed (approximately) in terms of their mass eigenstates, leading to neutrino oscillations. $|\nu_e\rangle = \cos \theta |\nu_1\rangle - \sin \theta |\nu_2\...