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12 votes
3 answers

If neutrinos travel faster than light, how much lead time would we have over detecting supernovas?

In light of the recent story that neutrinos travel faster than photons, I realize the news about this is sensationalistic and many tests still remain, but let's ASSUME neutrinos are eventually proven ...
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40 votes
3 answers

Why do the neutrinos (with mass) from a supernova arrive before the light (no mass)?

I've already read the below questions (and their answers) regarding neutrinos vs. electromagnetic waves propagating through space, but I'm still not clear on something. Neutrinos arrived before the ...
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8 votes
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Is a Betelgeuse supernova able to neutralise earth's nuclear arsenal?

According to an article on, a neutrino beam could neutralise nuclear bombs by inducing a slow meltdown of the nuclear fuel. The neutrino generator would need to be more than a ...
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