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4 answers

How can I detect when a car makes a turn using velocity vectors and account for speed?

I am trying to detect when a car makes a turn by analyzing its velocity vectors over time. Each velocity vector is represented as: $$\vec{v_t} = (X_v, Y_v)$$ Currently, I calculate the change in ...
Aaron's user avatar
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5 answers

Speed and Velocity

Why did physicists develop the concept of velocity? I searched on the web, but I didn't get a satisfactory answer. All I got is that velocity has a direction whereas speed does not. Why do we need ...
T.Noor's user avatar
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4 answers

What does squaring a vector mean?

So,in the 3rd equation of motion,i.e $v²=u²+2as$,what does the square on the final velocity and initial velocity actually mean?And how does it make an effect on their direction? suppose upwards vector ...
dxdy's user avatar
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4 answers

Mathematical proof for: Acceleration always orthogonal to its velocity changes its direction

Whenever I ask this doubt that how can force perpendicular to objects velocity can change its direction but cant change its magnitude I get proof for only the magnitude will be constant that is: no ...
Rahul Einstien's user avatar
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Simple difference between module of velocity and time derivative of module of position [duplicate]

What is the conceptually difference between the two: $$\frac{d|\vec{r}|}{dt}=\frac{\vec{r}\cdot\frac{d\vec{r}}{dt}}{|\vec{r}|}\neq|\dot{\vec{r}}|\equiv \bigg|\frac{d\vec{r}}{dt}\bigg|$$ ...
Acephalus's user avatar
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1/velocity for higher dimensions

I have a somewhat basic question. I am sorry if it trivial. Denote the velocity by $v=\frac{dx}{dt}$ suppose that $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$ and I want to parametrize $t$ in $x$ and compute $\frac{dt}{dx}$. ...
Novo's user avatar
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6 answers

Is velocity a vector quantity? [closed]

I've read that velocity is a vector quantity. Then why do most of the people when stating the velocity of an object never use direction? Most of them usually say that 'a car is moving at a velocity of ...
Ishaan Manish's user avatar
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Velocity squared confusion

As far as I know, a vector cannot be squared. Velocity is also a vector, though we have equation of motion, $v^2=u^2+2aS$. I am perplexed with $v^2$ here. What does it imply?
ACB's user avatar
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Where does speed and velocity differ? [duplicate]

I'm in Junior High and I still have some confusion towards speed and velocity. They sound like the same thing, where some object moves in a given direction, but there is a difference from both topics. ...
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Is this intuition correct? (dot product)

So, it is based on the article below: Go to the bottom of the article where the 'Mario-Kart Speed Boost' example is. So, the intuition in the examples makes sense to me but sometimes people explain ...
ed8484's user avatar
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2 answers

How can speed be the magnitude of velocity

Say speed is the magnitude of velocity then: \begin{align*} v &=\left|\vec{v}\right|\\ \frac{D}{\Delta t} &= \left|\frac{\Delta \vec{x}}{\Delta t}\right|\\ \end{align*} since $\Delta t$ is ...
user716881's user avatar
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2 answers

Is instantaneous speed always equal to the magnitude of instantaneous velocity?

Is instantaneous speed always equal to the magnitude of instantaneous velocity? What about the infinitesimal time duration when the direction changes? How can it ALWAYS be equal?
Jasmine S's user avatar
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What if the directions of the initial and final velocity are different in the conservation of mechanical energy equation?

I saw a problem, and saw that it could be easily solved using conservation of mechanical energy. So I wrote my equation: $$mgh_1 + \frac12mu^2 = mgh_2 + \frac12mv^2$$ Where $u$ is initial velocity, $...
Curious 's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

Why was the concept of velocity created? [closed]

Why do we use velocity instead of speed for different physics problems? I recognize how they are different but why use one over the other?
Noveross's user avatar
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7 answers

Is there centripetal acceleration with velocity of 5 m/s?

So if an object is moving at $5\ \mathrm{m\ s^{-1}}$ in a circle, is it accelerating? Me and a friend are having a conversation about this.
TheDragonorian's user avatar
5 votes
8 answers

Why isn't average speed defined as the magnitude of average velocity?

Speed is usually defined as the magnitude of (instantaneous) velocity. So one could assume that average speed would be defined as the magnitude of average velocity. But instead it is defined as $$s_{...
ook's user avatar
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1 answer

Can acceleration be both the "rate of increase of velocity" and the "rate of increase of speed" in Physics?

A Dictionary of Physics (Oxford University Press) defines acceleration as: The rate of increase of speed or velocity However, from reading many other definitions it seems to me that acceleration ...
PrettyHands's user avatar
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Tangential Velocity - vs - Tangential Speed

It's the first time for me to ask a question here. Is there a difference between "Tangential Speed" and "Tangential Velocity"? As far as I know, Speed is scalar quantity defined only with its ...
No One's user avatar
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What is the difference between $d|v|/dt $ and $ |dv/dt| $ & between $d|x|/dt $ and $|dx/dt| $? [closed]

Here, $v$ represents velocity vector and $a$ represents acceleration vector.
Siddharth Garg's user avatar
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Is value of speed equal to the magnitude of velocity?

For example: - suppose a body covers a semi-circle in $5$ seconds, then distance$=\pi * r$, where $r$ is the radius of the semi-circle. Displacement is $2r$ only. Then the value of speed is $[\pi * r] ...
yo boys's user avatar
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3 answers

Is centripetal acceleration based on speed or velocity?

I know that the formula for centripetal acceleration is $\ a_c = v^2/r$. Does the $v$ represent the average velocity of the car which is the arc length traveled divided by the time? If the answer is ...
coderhk's user avatar
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Why does centripetal acceleration have a magnitude?

Assuming that the magnitude of velocity is constant. Why does centripetal acceleration have a magnitude? Since acceleration is the rate of change for velocity and its magnitude remains the same ...
coderhk's user avatar
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2 answers

Magnitude of instantaneous velocity vs speed

Magnitude of instantaneous velocity = $|dr/dt|$ but this is not always equal to $ds/dt$ where ds is the infinitesimally small change in distance in the interval $dt$ Which one is speed?
xasthor's user avatar
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What is meant by negative direction of velocity? [duplicate]

What is negative velocity and negative direction of the velocity?
ARCHANA SAXENA's user avatar
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Difference between Speed and Velocity

What is the difference between Speed, Velocity and Acceleration? Could any one describe it pictorially?. I am more over confused even after investigating many times. I am unable to relate myself ...
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