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Speed is equal to distance divided by time but is this correct?

In this study, the distance the punch travelled from start to impact is 0.49 meters and the time taken from start of punch (that's it, they define ...
SnoopyKid's user avatar
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2 answers

Average velocity showing different results

I was solving a question, in which, a particle has travelled a distance $s$, with initial velocity $0$ and constant acceleration. So the equation of motion becomes, $$ v = a t \tag{1} $$ and $$ v = \...
Agent_A's user avatar
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1 answer

What does instantaneous velocity mean? [duplicate]

What does instantaneous velocity mean? on google it says "Instantaneous means something happens very quickly, in a single moment. It's similar to the meaning of "instant", but most ...
Intensed's user avatar
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5 answers

Speed and Velocity

Why did physicists develop the concept of velocity? I searched on the web, but I didn't get a satisfactory answer. All I got is that velocity has a direction whereas speed does not. Why do we need ...
T.Noor's user avatar
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3 answers

Can $d/t =$ speed ever be wrong? Is there a more accurate way to determine speed?

Is there a more accurate way to determine speed? I am asking because this has to do with an accident reconstruction where my son was killed. The investigators are trying to conclude his speed prior to ...
Dayle Suzanne's user avatar
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1 answer

Simple difference between module of velocity and time derivative of module of position [duplicate]

What is the conceptually difference between the two: $$\frac{d|\vec{r}|}{dt}=\frac{\vec{r}\cdot\frac{d\vec{r}}{dt}}{|\vec{r}|}\neq|\dot{\vec{r}}|\equiv \bigg|\frac{d\vec{r}}{dt}\bigg|$$ ...
Acephalus's user avatar
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1 answer

What is displacement time graph for this object which is in $xy$ plane going in sine wave like path from A to B. Also can velocity constant in path?

The path is from A to B in sine wave curve while the displacement is straight line.So how displacement is calculated for graph purpose here
Pankaj Shukla's user avatar
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1 answer

Distance given two velocities

I have a home trainer that is connected to an application that I am writing which needs to calculate a distance traveled given the speeds that the trainer is sending. As such, every second, the ...
MariusVE's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is there a difference between instantaneous speed and the magnitude of instantaneous velocity?

Consider a particle that moves around the coordinate grid. After $t$ seconds, it has the position $$ S(t)=(\cos t, \sin t) \quad 0 \leq t \leq \pi/2 \, . $$ The particle traces a quarter arc of ...
Joe's user avatar
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3 answers

What is the difference between two types of velocity?

What is the difference between $v=\frac{s}{\Delta t}$ and $\bar{v} =\frac{\Delta\bar{x}}{\Delta t}$, are they the same?
James0987's user avatar
18 votes
8 answers

Why do we need instantaneous speed?

I am new to this topic and was just wondering about the use of instantaneous speed. I mean, we use to calculate the speed of car let us say at 5 sec. So we take the distance travelled in 4.9 to 5.0 ...
Srijan's user avatar
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3 answers

How does instantaneous speed work for circular motion?

Why do we use the formula $\lim_{\delta t→0} \delta s/\delta t$ to get the instantaneous speed? Since speed is distance divided by time, what does the limit have to do with this? I have a very limited ...
coderhk's user avatar
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Question about $a = v\ \mathrm dv/\mathrm dx$

Consider $\vec{v}$ Now differentiating this w.r.t time, $$\vec{a} = d/dt( \vec{v}) = \vec{v}(d\vec{v}/dx)$$ Now this multiplication of vectors obviously makes no sense. This along with the fact that ...
xasthor's user avatar
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