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2 answers

How to calculate the velocity of a point on a rigid body that is both translating and rotating?

I'm trying to figure out a problem involving the motion of a rigid body in 2D. The body has: A translational velocity $\mathbf{v} = (v_x, v_y) $ at its center. An angular velocity $\omega$ around its ...
Krampfmeister's user avatar
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3 answers

Angular velocity basics

Is angular velocity only defined for circular motion or can it be described for lets say projectile motion as well?
Prithu Bharadwaj's user avatar
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Zero acceleration in circular motion while the body is accelerating

I was going through László Holics book (300 Creative Problems in Physics) and came across this question: The radius of the tire of a car is $R$. The valve cap is at a distance $r$ from the axis of ...
Doge with shades's user avatar
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Is this motion rotation or curvelinear translation?

Arrow orbit around point C like graph show. Is motion of arrow, rotation or curvelinear translation according to physics definition? What is definition and types of translation and rotation? I find ...
22flower's user avatar
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Trajectory of particle thrown from the center of rotating frame of reference

So we have a rotating platform with two frames o reference: the one which is static, $O:\{x,y,z\}$, and the one wich is rotating along the platform, $O':\{x',y',z'\}\ (z\equiv z')$. The platform is ...
Hug de Roda's user avatar
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Angular momentum and General Plan Motion

Let us consider a general body, having both translation and rotational motion. Let O be the origin, and C be the center of mass of body. Total mass of body is $M$ Let us take small point mass $m_i$ in ...
Kshitij Kumar's user avatar
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Velocity of a car relative to the center of the Earth

If we approximate the Earth's circumference to be $40,075\;km$ we could say that the the amount of time it takes for a full rotation is about $24\; hours$. We could then approximate the rotation of ...
Kaasim Shaikh's user avatar
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Angular velocity to linear velocity Modern Robotics textbook

In the second to last sentence, I have no idea how $v = (2,0)$ was calculated. Can someone derive this for me in detail, or with a picture?
user3180's user avatar
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Derivative of transformation matrix for 6-DOF dynamics

I'm implementing a planner for a 6-DOF underwater robot and I'm using the dynamics derived in chapter 7.5 of Fossen's HHandbook of Marine Craft Hydrodynamics and Motion Control. I'm using the ...
Toms42's user avatar
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After what time, the configuration will repeat? [closed]

A ball rotates at a rate $r$ rotations per second and simultaneously revolves around a stationary point $O$ at a rate $R$ revolutions per second $(R<r)$.The rotation and revolution are in the same ...
Anwar's user avatar
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2 answers

Angular velocity of a body observed from a frame of reference fixed on the body

I have a body and the reference frames, one is the inertial reference frame O-xyz, the other is a non inertial reference frame O'-x'y'z' fixed on the body. The angular velocity vector of the body ...
Gennaro Arguzzi's user avatar
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1 answer

Newton-Euler equations in frame not centered at center of mass [duplicate]

I'm having trouble with a step in the derivation of the Newton-Euler equations for rigid body translation and rotation when the body frame is not centered at the center of gravity. The Newton-Euler ...
mcpca's user avatar
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