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Linear and angular velocity of a falling rod in the corner of a room [closed]

A uniform rod of length l and mass m is sitting vertically in a frictionless environment in the corner of a room, having a floor beneath it, and a wall to its left. It gets slightly off balance and so ...
Gabi's user avatar
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Kinematics: Minimum length of horizontal path to fall back onto initial position after traversing half circle [closed]

Our professor asked us today what the minimum length of a horizontal line would have to be such that if an object moved on it with a constant initial velocity, went into a half-circle loop and fell at ...
anon's user avatar
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Rotational motion from curved slope?

So I've learned for any slope with a sliding object, say a box, the speed at the bottom only depends on the height it was dropped from because of conservation of energy, assuming absence of friction ...
k huang's user avatar
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How do I apply the principle of conservation of angular momentum in this case?

I came across a question: A disc of mass 2M and radius R lying in a vertical plane which is free to rotate about a fixed horizontal axis passing from its centre. A particle of mass M is tied to a ...
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