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Is there a different way to measure speed, other than with time?

A second on Earth is different from a second on the Sun and a second next to a black hole. Therefore speed, as measured in meters per second, is different in each of these locations. Is there an ...
foolishmuse's user avatar
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Is there any explanation from special relativity regarding the speed of a fly inside a car?

I have faced a scenario mentioned in this Question. There was a fly inside my car and I was travelling so fast. shutters are opened in the car. I observe that when I slow down and accelerate, there ...
Nilupul Heshan's user avatar
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Two values to the speed of light ...what does this mean in the real world?

If $E= mc^2$ then c = $\pm \sqrt{E/m}$. What is the real world meaning for a negative speed of light ? Anything traveling faster than $-300k m/s$ is travelling faster than the speed of light ? What ...
RoJo 's user avatar
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Another view on mass energy equivalence? $ E = m_0 c^2 [1 - \sqrt{1 - (v/c)^2}]$? [closed]

(this is old thread, but i have edited this question to be more brief) In the paper, "Fundamental Disagreement of Wave Mechanics with Relativity", ...
Sami M's user avatar
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