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Finding The Trajectory of particle Kept on a rotating surface

Suppose we "Keep" a particle on a circular, rotating turn-table, rotating with constant angular velocity $\dot{\theta}$, (i.e, the at $t=0$,when the particle makes contact with the table, the ...
satan 29's user avatar
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Computing angular acceleration of a composition of coordinate frame transformations

Given two coordinate frames $A$ and $B$, we can define the transformation between them by: $[\vec r_{AB}]_A$, the vector from the origin of $A$ to the origin of $B$ (resolved in frame $A$), and $q_{...
2012rcampion's user avatar
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Position and displacement vector in Arc coordinate system

In Arc coordinate system the position of the particle is given by the length of the path(which is pre-determined and may also be curved) that it has travelled so how can we write it's position vector ...
Manish's user avatar
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Cartesian coordinate velocity and generalized coordinate velocity

use $x_k$ to denote the kth component of cartesian coordinate, and $q_k$ to denote the generalized coordinate. Taking the derivate of $x_k(q_1,q_2,q_3,t)$ w.r.t. time, we have $$\frac{d x_k(q_1,q_2,...
sunxd's user avatar
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Confusion about valid set of virtual displacement

The answer of the problem below makes me confused about my thinking about virtual displacement... Consider the system in the figure below, similar to mechanisms used for aerial filming of sporting ...
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