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Equation of Motion of Rigid Body Represented by Twist and Derivative of Twist

This question is an extension of question Understanding terms Twist and Wrench. Assuming there is a rigid body with body twist denoted as $\mathcal{V}_{b}=\left(\boldsymbol \omega_{b}, \boldsymbol v_{...
Riva Lyin's user avatar
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Determining acceleration in order to meet a space-time-velocity reservation

An Example A train on a single line track is told to be at position $x_{res}$, at time $t_{res}$, and to be moving at exactly $v_{res}$ when it hits that point. Where $_{res}$ denotes the reservation....
Torantula's user avatar
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When a body completes one revolution around a circular path will its acceleration be 0?

When a body is moving in a circular motion the acceleration keeps changing, will it be zero when it comes back to the same point it started from(will the average acceleration be 0?)
Pranav's user avatar
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How do you change the acceleration of a tennis ball, connected to a string in circular motion?

I'm a freshman in high school. In Physics we have a question in our lab that I would like to have help on. In the lab, we have a flying pig (or tennis ball) tied up to a string that's connected to the ...
Zoe Jay's user avatar
-4 votes
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What is the acceleration experienced by a person walking into a tree or pole?

Please go to this website and view videos of people walking into things. I would like to know what is the deceleration their head experiences from this. I have done my research on this already. A ...
Daniel V.'s user avatar